Chi Kung

Feeling stressed?
Want to improve your energy?
Want to improve your health?

Chi Kung exercises – are more associated with Tai Chi and Yoga, performing a series of postures while breathing. The literal translation of Chi Kung is “cultivation and balance of life energy”.

Chi Kung is a simple practice that can help you find more balance in your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Our Self Defence programmes use a relaxed energy, coordinating breathing and making a sequence of different movements during our Sil Lim Tao.

The Sil Lim Tao is the first hand form of Wing Chun. It teaches the student the basics of the Martial Art form.

Our programmes incorporate Chi Kung practice to rejuvenate the Mind, Body and Spirit.

With Chi Kung, you can bring healing energy to particular parts of your body to reduce levels of anxiety, stress, and disease and build levels of self-confidence, inner peace, and improved health.

Your body will respond accordingly (heal its-self and re-balance its-self). The blockages within your flow of energy will start to disappear and your energy will start to improve.

Our Chi Kung exercises are suitable for children and can make a difference while their bodies go through a rapid growth.

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