Here are resources to help you take care of yourself and make a difference in the fight against the effects of lockdown during COVID-19.
Mental health is important to us at Wing Chun Self Defence because it can help you to cope with the day-to-day stresses of life:
Maintain good relationships, work productively and help you to realise your full potential.
Good mental health means being able to think, feel and react in the way that you need. If you are going through a period of poor mental health you might find the way you thinking, feeling or reacting becomes challenging, or even impossible, to cope with. This can feel just as bad as a physical illness, or even worse.
Mental health problems range from common problems, such as depression and anxiety, to rarer problems such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Untreated, a mental health problem may cause major changes in a person’s thinking, emotional state and behaviour. It can also disrupt a person’s ability to function e.g. to work or maintain personal relationships.
Most mental health problems are short-lived and even when people experience more serious, long-term or recurring problems, they are still able to live meaningful and satisfying lives. This may mean making some adjustments to accommodate the effects of their mental health problems.
Eat well…
What you eat nourishes your whole body, including your brain. Carbohydrates (in moderate amounts) increases serotonin, a chemical that has been shown to have a calming effect on your mood. Protein-rich foods increase norepinephrine, dopamine, and tyrosine, which help keep you alert. And vegetables and fruits are loaded with nutrients that feed every cell of your body, including those that affect mood-regulating brain chemicals. Include foods with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in fish, nuts, and flaxseed.) Research shows that these nutrients can improve mood and restore structural integrity to the brain cells necessary for cognitive function.
Sleep well…
Sleep deprivation has a significant negative effect on your mood. Try to go to bed at a regular time each day, practice good habits to get better sleep. These include shutting down TV and computer screens at least an hour before bed.
Train well…
Our Wing Chun Self Defence course in London Hackney is a good way of getting your heart rate up and burning calories while learning effective self defence skills.
You will get you fighting-fit thanks to our well-structured programme; you will benefit from tailored classes that will teach you the correct techniques to improve your fitness, flexibility and more.
There are a few key steps you can do now to improve your mental health:
Stay positive
Take care of your physical health
Connect with others
Meditation and relaxation
All of the above can be found in our programme which is suitable for beginners.
Take positive steps to improve your resilience and emotional health. Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis to make your mental health a priority. Besides, it is easier to form new habits when you are feeling strong. You can then implement those habits when you need them most. Pick something from this article that resonates with you and try it. Then, try something else. Slowly putting in place routines, habits, and regular patterns will help you feel better through gradual change.